Consulting & Facilitation

Our Mission

Twisted Bulb was founded with the purpose of fostering innovation and celebrating  community, economic diversification and agriculture through disruptive community building and social good.


In communities and organizations, sometimes it's hard to see the forest for the trees. You work hard every day to meet the current needs and anticipate what will be required in the future. You listen carefully, engage your stakeholders, and watch your cash flow. Organizations struggle with the balance between the actual budget and funding innovative ideas, being progressive and maintaining service levels, and engaging stakeholders who all have different ideas of what success looks like- so what's next?

Growth and innovation are important, but big picture thinking can be tough, especially when you're busy with day-to-day service delivery and tasks. How do you take a group of champions and stakeholders and guide them from ideas to actions? Our Consulting and Facilitation team can help.

Twisted Bulb Consulting and Facilitation is the provider of choice for big-picture organizational problem solving and creative growth action planning. We'll help you think about your community or organization in a whole new way, bringing a fresh perspective to long-standing challenges and helping you envision - and achieve - a future with unlimited possibilities.

Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.

-Will Rogers


The Team

Twisted Bulb is made up of a team of disruptive community builders committed to fostering innovation and networks for communities and organizations. They have decades of experience of working in the private, non-profit, entrepreneurship and municipal government space.